We currently have a special offer for all standard listings.
Get a 2 year basic listing for only £89 by adding a link to Exmoorpark from your website homepage.
The code to insert on your homepage for the different types of accommodation are:
If you have an Exmoor Bed and breakfast then use this code:
<a href="http://www.exmoorpark.com/exmoor-b-and-b" title="Exmoor bed and breakfast accommodation" target="_blank">Exmoor bed and breakfast accommodation</a>
If you have an Exmoor Self Catering property then use this code:
<a href="http://www.exmoorpark.com/exmoor-self-catering-cottages" title="Exmoor self catering accommodation" target="_blank">Exmoor self catering accommodation</a>
If you have an Exmoor Hotel then use this code:
<a href="http://www.exmoorpark.com/exmoor-hotels" title="Exmoor hotel accommodation" target="_blank">Exmoor hotel accommodation</a>
If you have an Exmoor Pub or Inn then use this code:
<a href="http://www.exmoorpark.com/exmoor-pubs-and-inns" title="Exmoor pub and inn accommodation" target="_blank">Exmoor pub and inn accommodation</a>
If you have any other Exmoor property type then use this code:
<a href="http://www.exmoorpark.com" title="Exmoor holiday accommodation" target="_blank">Exmoor holiday accommodation</a>
If you are unsure about what to do, please ask your website manager/editor or web designer or please ring us for further assistance as we may be able to carry out the update for you.